6 Benefits of Coloured PDUs

Austin Hughes InfraPower Coloured Power Distribution Units (PDUs)

  1. Simplify PDU Identification
    The use of coloured PDUs at the rack level allows quick and simple identification for  Technicians and Engineers, reducing human error whilst working in racks/cabinets. e.g. being able to identify the PDUs as red / blue rather than describing location removes ambiguity.
  2. Differentiation of Power Feeds
    Utilising coloured PDUs enables differentiation of the Primary and Redundant (A & B) power feeds within the rack. Usually 2 or 4 PDUs per rack depending on density.
  3. Consistent Power Chain
    In addition to allowing the differentiation of power feeds within the rack, these colours can match existing power chains within the data centre for further continuity. E.g. generators, UPS, power distribution racks
  4. Pale Colours for Light Saving
    Chose lighter coloured PDUs and racks (such as White) for helping reduce the amount of light required. PDUs will also be more visible within the rack. Using ‘pale/light colours’ is  recommended in the ‘EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency (V8.1.0)
  5. Space Saving Dual Feed PDUs
    An alternative to multiple PDUs in a single rack to differentiate power feeds is to utilise dual feed PDUs whereby two PDUs are housed in one chassis. Saving you rack space and IP address costs.
  6. Coloured Power Cables
    Coloured power cords provide a simple way to enhance cable management and visualise power sources further. Available in a variety of colours and cord lengths to suit your requirements.